Let’s Talk Cannabis

How we launched an educational cannabis-free campaign through social media
Our Challenge.

Santa Barbara County Department of Public Health (SDCDPH) tasked Consortium Media to educate local families on the dangers and health risks of using cannabis before the age of 21.  They needed a campaign in English and Spanish aimed at both youth and their parents.  

The Work

CM created engaging social media content and short videos ‘My Best Life’ in English and Spanish which featured 8 local Santa Barbara County youth aged 14-21 who shared their stories and aspirations living their best lives cannabis free, inspiring others to stay cannabis free and reach their highest potential.  In addition, CM+ Geo Algo targeted specific demographics, locations, and lifestyles and a robust radio and press campaign used CM+ ThoughtShift to increase community awareness. 

The Results.

The Results- The campaign was launched in mid-August 2021 and within 3 months, the social media campaign garnered 1,345,535 impressions, 3,194 links clicks and 125,834 video views.  SM Impressions- 1,345,535